Defamation and Other Torts

McCandlish’s Litigation attorneys frequently both prosecute and defend tort claims for individuals and business entities in both state and federal courts.

These claims include torts against someone’s person, such as assault, battery, false imprisonment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and negligence. McCandlish’s Litigation attorneys further prosecute and defend economic and dignity torts, including defamation, malicious prosecution/abuse of process, conversion, nuisance, trespass to land/chattels, and other property torts. McCandlish’s attorneys further prosecute and defend tort claims for fraud and misrepresentation, civil conspiracies, tortious interference, and statutory business conspiracy.

Our attorneys have successfully prosecuted and defended tort claims in multiple different courts and in different jurisdictions. While some of these cases can be resolved through mediation or other pre-filing resolutions, other cases require judicial intervention through seeking damages, a declaratory judgment, or a preliminary injunction.

Each individual and case is unique, and while previous results are no guarantee of a specific outcome in your case, McCandlish’s tort litigators design a strategy to pursue the specific goals and resolutions required in each situation. For more information about McCandlish’s Defamation and Torts Litigation practice, or to request an initial consultation about your case, we invite you to review the profiles of our employment litigation attorneys and to contact them directly.